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77 Performance Pieces for Soprano Recorder — new sheet music edited by Imre Lachegyi

An outstanding music sheet album has been released — 77 Performance Pieces for Soprano Recorder is edited by Imre Lachegyi. The aim of the edition is to expand the basic instrumental music repertoire. When choosing the compositions, Imre Lachegyi intended to provide a wide choice of styles as well as compile pieces of different level of difficulty. Most of the works in the volume are a transcription of pieces composed for keyboard instruments. The guiding principle behind the accompaniments (arranged by the excellent harpsichord player, Aino Oláh) was simplicity so that even the teachers of the solo musical instrument can accompany their students. At the end of the volume you can find some popular pieces for two parts.

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Imre Lachegyi’s new album Visio of his own compositions has been released. This is the first album by Imre Lachegyi which contains his original compositions instead of early music, and his first recording with his children who are also musicians: Róza (on the violin), Anna (on the cello) and Máté (on the piano), and with an excellent young jazz drummer, Szilveszter Miklós, who has joined in the family ensemble. The music itself crosses the boundaries of several styles —classical and contemporary music, jazz and folk music—, and although it is basically fully composed, sometimes it has improvisative parts.

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Georg Philipp Telemann: Trios

2011 decemberében jelent meg Lachegyi Imre, Papp Dániel, Oláh Aino és Szászvárosi Sándor új lemeze, amelyen a német barokk Bach után talán legnagyobb, igen termékeny és sokoldalú mestere, Georg Philipp Telemann triószonátái szerepelnek.

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Consort Music Foundation

Imre Lachegyi is the president and one of the major artists of Consort Music Foundation.

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